Organizational Structure & Management

Registered as a Charitable Trust, the ant has a Board of 7 Trustees of which 3 live locally, 2 in Guwahati and 2 is from outside the region. It also has a multi-community Advisory Committee from the villages it works in. An Executive Director is responsible for executing the strategy and decisions of the Board of Trustee. All the trustees are honorary.

The Coordination team comprising of all Team and Cluster leaders meet once a fortnight to review programmes. Bi-monthly review meetings of all staff are held to share successes and to plan work effectively. 360 degrees performance evaluation – not just juniors assessed by the seniors but even the reverse – of all staff members is conducted and a maximum bonus of 1 month’s salary a year is linked to this performance-linked bonus. Adherence to Financial Manuals, an internal audit of all vouchers by all staff members by rotation, yearly financial audit, compliance monitoring for taxes and duties, a strict no-bribe policy and monthly shramdan camp help keep the ethos of a voluntary organisation alive in an otherwise professionally run organization. The Gender Equality Policy emphasizes on action and resources to promote Gender equality both within the organisation and also all of its work.

Important Policies and Manuals of the ant: