Project Leap

LEAP (Learning Ecosystem Augmentation Project) aims to do what its name suggest i.e. Support to better the learning eco-system in government schools in 2 blocks of Chirang District. Started as “Project Bigyan” in 2016 to improve quality of science education in government schools, Project LEAP is literally a leap further in that direction, not just science but improve overall school performance - in academics, school governance & also non-academically.


  • monthly cluster training of primary school teachers on QLI (Quality Learning Initiative) method of teaching,
  • training & supporting middle school teachers on teaching math and science.
  • introducing meaningful and fun extra-curricular activities in government schools - sports and games, conscious citizenry sessions.
  • conducting school level and district level science fairs etc.
  • improve school governance through activating school management committees with parental involvement.


  • reaching 1794 students in middle school and over 2444 students in primary schools
  • the project covers 11 middle schools and 106 primary schools across 10 educational clusters of Chirang District of Assam.
  • 59 teachers from 23 government middle schools have been trained in Lab-in-Box and are using Lab-in-Box for improved science learning
  • 29 primary schools have adopted the QLI method of teaching in the classroom.

Project Shiksha

After School Centres in Forest Villages

Project Shiksha began in 2014 as evening study centers to increase learning levels of children in the forest fringe areas bordering Bhutan. The 24 CDCs (Child Development Centers) and 4 MECs (Middle Education Centers) are after-school learning centers for over 1000 children in government run and community run venture schools.


  • after-school joyful learning sessions.
  • Ultimate Frisbee for children above 10 years of age.
  • exchange learning programs and study tours for the children.
  • summer learning camps.

Project Dolphin

Began in October 2018, Project Dolphin works directly in 21 schools (17 primary & 4 middle schools) to better the quality of education. The project also works with the youth of 44 village hamlets of Bengtol cluster.

The objective of the project is to attain the rights of children and youth to purposeful education, holistic development and the right to be protected so that they grow up to be socially conscious citizens and build a just and pluralistic society.


  • establish Joyful learning spaces and facilitate supplementary educations in intervention schools.
  • facilitate Science (Lab in a Box) practical based science classes in Middle schools.
  • celebrating events as a way to sensitive society and drive them towards action.
  • running a youth information centre.
  • counselling young people towards meaningful careers.
  • organising children and youth into groups.
  • Community awareness programs
  • Strengthening of village institutions like VLCPCs, SMCs.

Project Colouring the Rainbow (CTR)

Began in April 2019, the Coloring the Rainbow Project works to enhance the physical, mental, emotional and social development of children (7-14years) and youth (15-25 years) using a sports and games-based curriculum. The project also creates space for children with disabilities in the larger society.

The project aims to:

  • improve social cohesion among children of different ethnic groups.
  • further participation of children and parents in schools.
  • increase self-confidence in children and youth.
  • sensitize communities in 100 villages on disability rights and entitlements so that they are able act to attain these rights for disabled children and people. 


  • guided weekly sports for development (S4D) sessions.
  • monthly sessions with children with disabilities.
  • forming Ultimate Frisbee teams and regular practice & tournaments.
  • events in the community to sensitise and collectize for action.
  • session with parents to sensitize about the rights of children.

The Girl Icon Fellowship Programme

The Girl Icon Fellowship Program is a leadership development initiative for adolescent girls from 12 to 18 years. Its main goal is to nurture and amplify the voices of young girls to become empowered agents of change in their own lives and in their communities. This pilot Girl Icon Fellowship program was initiated on October 1st 2018 in collaboration with Milaan Foundation, Delhi to build up 50 young girls as leaders.


  • 4 residential training camps for the girl icons over 2 years.
  • support in making peer icon groups in their schools/ communities.
  • support in taking up social change action projects by the young girls in their communities.

The Unfolding Change

  • girl icons are more self-aware and confident in their interaction with others and well informed on life skills.
  • more interest in school activities and much more expressive.
  • better relationship with parents as able to have difficult conversations.
  • parents show greater involvement in their children’s education and even interested in peer group meetings.
  • peer group support increased - to share challenges they are facing, to get correct facts and discuss issues which affect them; to collectively take action to right wrongs in society affecting girls like early -marriage, gender discrimination, violence etc.