Project FLY

Project FLY – Spreading Ultimate Frisbee to North East is a new initiative under IDeA-the ant. The project aims to take Ultimate Frisbee and it’s benefit to the youth and communities of northeast India with the help of partner NGOs.

We first train their selected members as coaches and then support them to form and coach their ultimate frisbee teams. Later, we will also work with them organize tournaments and improve the sport, focusing on keeping the spirit of the game at the centre. Ultimate Frisbee as a sport has been promoted in the ant since 2015 and thousands of children have been trained in this. There are at least 50 teams with over a thousand youth playing Ultimate Frisbee regularly.

Apart from helping young people keep physically fit, it has shown huge potential for social transformation by promoting gender equality and self-discipline, facilitating skills of communication and non-violent negotiation. Further, we have seen that among our players, the sport has inculcated values of fair-play, positive attitude and respect for the other among.

At present 7 organisations from 7 districts of Assam and Nagaland have partnered with us and 27 coaches have undergone training to mobilise and train youth from the different areas to become Ultimate Frisbee players.