The Girl Icon program is a leadership development initiative for adolescent girls (age 12 to 18 years). Its main goal is to nurture and amplify the voices of girl leaders as empowered agents of change in their own lives and in their communities. The girl Icon fellowship pilot program was initiated on October 1st 2018 and will end on 30th September 2021. Total 40 girl icons from both Udalguri and Chirang district are capacitated to fight against different social barriers that restrict their talent from thriving. The girl icons are provided residential training for 20 days over a period of 2 years. Formation of peer members create support system of each other and learn to find their voice and fight for their own voice and also voices of other girls like them to be heard. This peer groups conduct social action projects for the community to create awareness and sensitization on social issues in the community.

Girls are more self-aware and confident in their interaction with others and well informed on life skills. Girls are taking keen interest in the school activities and now more expressive as shared by the school headmasters. Girl Icons are more confident and are conversing more with their parents, which has contributed to a harmonious  relationship.

Parents are taking interest in their children’s education and some parents are seen participating in peer group meetings. Peer meeting spaces have been able to generate a dialogue on different issues of family issues that the adolescent girls are facing in their lives. Social Action Project implemented by the Girl Icons through school-level programmes has been a way to sensitize young minds on Health and Menstrual Hygiene management. Girls have started discussing the negative impact of child marriage, un-hygienic habits and behaviors, etc. in peer group meetings.